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October 2017

Writer's picture: Adarsh ShethAdarsh Sheth

Written By: Shirlyn Prabahar

Edited By: Adarsh Sheth

October 1, 2017


Dear DVHS Robotics members and parents,

Here’s a quick recap of last year and a glance at our activities for this year as we begin preparing. If you have any questions about any decisions or activities, please feel free to email us at



5776A qualified to VEX World Champions as State Finalists
5776T qualified to VEX World Champions as State Finalists
5776E qualified to VEX World Champions as Skills Champions

Important Announcements

  • DVHS Tournament

    • Preparations are underway for our annual robotics tournament hosted at DVHS. We are looking for parent volunteers to help out with concessions (managing sale of food at the concessions stand), judging (scoring teams during the tournament for various awards), and refereeing (validating scores during matches). We would greatly appreciate your help! No prior experience is required. If you are interested, please sign up at Contact Akash Harapanahalli at with any questions.

  • T4 Fundraiser

    • Our T4 Fundraiser has been cancelled, but please keep an eye out for the next fundraiser!

  • Finance

    • The Dougherty Valley High School Robotics Club is making some significant changes regarding budgets as competitive teams are now expected to fund their own purchases. The club gives each of the six teams $500 as a base, but the teams will now be funded by the donations of their corresponding members and team sponsorships. We suggest that each team raises $2263.67, which accounts for team registration for all tournaments before states, staff supervision for tournaments, and parts orders through the season. As your donations will now directly help your student’s team, we encourage all parents to donate as the team decides. Donations can be made through the DVHS Webstore.

  • Novice

    • Welcome to our new novice members! We look forward to enjoying a fun and educational year with our class. We are requesting donations of $125 per member; please pay on the web store. If you have any questions, please contact Yash Potdar at

  • Cabinet

    • Please welcome our 2017-18 officers! These are all talented and hardworking individuals working to ensure that our year is a success. Contact information can be found on

  • Summer Camp

    • The second annual DVHS Robotics Summer Camp was a success! Our mentors taught 61 middle school students the essentials of robotics, including engineering and programming principles. They were separated into 19 teams, each building their own robot to meet a set challenge- culminating in a final competition between the teams. All the students were able to perform at a high level in the final tournament due to the mentoring provided by our summer camp teachers. We look forward to yet another great session next year!

  • Upcoming Events

    • October 12th: T4 Fundraiser

    • October 28th: DVHS Robotics Tournament

    • November 18th: Bellarmine Tournament

Thank you all for your support!

DVHS Robotics Cabinet

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