
We're a club that provides FREE STEM education to students, and support our program with kind donations from our members. We recommend a donation amount of $300 (or $150 with company match).

Donate: Webstore
You'll need a Visa, Mastercard, or Discover credit or debit card to donate via the online webstore. Enter your student's ID number at checkout. If you are not associated with any student, use ID number 99999 at checkout. If applicable, enter the team number of the team you would like to support. Your donations are tax-deductible! Our tax ID number is 68-0273221. (The tax ID number is also printed on your Webstore receipt)

Donate: Check
Make your check payable to "DVHS Robotics". If applicable, write your student's name, ID number, and team number in the memo line.
If you know a student in the DVHS Robotics Club: You can send the check with your student. Have them turn in the check to our treasurer at any official club meeting, and we will take care of it from there!
If you don't know a student in the DVHS Robotics Club: Mail your check to the following address:
Attn: Daniel Farmer
Robotics Club
10550 Albion Road
San Ramon, CA 94582